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Thursday, April 26, 2007

The end of your rope is a noose

I have not purchased a real SUPERHERO comic in weeks. It shows, as you can see. The frequency of blogging around here drops significantly when I'm not pissed at Marvel Comics. And its not like they are doing something right over there, I just ain't buying it. You know what, son? It feels goooooooooooooood.

But if I refrain from trash talking the latest issue of X-men, how am I going to update this blog on the daily, weekly or monthly basis? I can't! That's like trying to make Gambit cool! Not in MY house! Without Marvel Comics to hate on, there is nothing worth blogging about! Its true! I am almost at the point of pulling every crappy Post-Civil War comic just so I will have some fodder for this unwieldly blog of mine.

I could always just do Get Your World War Hulk On. If there ever was a reason to buy Marvel Comics right now, doing a remixed version of someone else's webcomic could be just that reason. Is that what blogging has come to for me? Buying crappy comics just so I have something entertaining for all 5 of you to read?

Quick! Somebody convince me otherwise before I start thinking of ways to come up with gladiator sex jokes involving Hulk and the Brood!


Jason said...

Spencer, you are doing more than entertaining us, you are SAVING YOUR SOUL!

That said, I am intrigued by the gladiator sex jokes.

In all seriousness, I long ago made the decision not to buy things I can't stand, and that was before I had a blog, but hey, there's still Iron Fist and Nova to carry the torch.

And WW Hulk can't be THAT bad, can it? Forget I said that.

Unknown said...

Do you have a cat? You could always blog about your cat.

pachoob said...

i'm pretty sure you could keep a blog about the daily ins and outs of sparky. that guy deserves to have every moment of his life recorded for posterity; the depth and breadth of his offhanded comments ("her face isn't so bad, but the rest of her...") can teach us all a little something about being truly alive.

Spencer Carnage said...


Yes, my soul feels great. But what about my blog? Isn't that all that matters in this day and age?


I used to have a cat, who once peed on me while I was making a chick.... if only there was some way to make that relevant to the Post Civil War Marvel U!


True Sparky story: sunday morning, having brunch with you and your friends. 5 minutes into it, he whispers to me "I'd hit it." about one of the girls that met up with us. Sparky should have a twitter blog. Just imagine the number of times he talks about girls he'd hit, followed by "11:45 PM, bought another shot. Sparky horny."

Jason said...

Perhaps instead of a cat, you should just have Sparky live with you and blog about him? I think there's a gold-mine there.

Jon Hex said...

All you have to do is hold on for a few months until the new New Warriors book comes out? You didn't hear this from me but apparently Night Thrasher's in it. Maybe.

Jon Hex said...

Why did I put a question mark in there? I must still be sleepy.

Jason said...

Yup, the king of all things bad-i-cal is on the cover of issue 2. Purely a craven effort on Marvel's part to insure your purchase.

Spencer Carnage said...

Maybe Ronin is Night Thrasher. It could work and would explain the "yo" that he threw out in ish 27.

A boy could dream, can't he?

Jason said...

THAT would get me to buy New Avengers again.

Spencer Carnage said...

I don't think "Badical" and "Bendis" belong in the same book together.

pachoob said...

"badical" and "garfield," on the other hand...

Spencer Carnage said...

Like Garfield wearing a leather jacket? That's pretty damn badical if I do say so myself.